Saturday, August 31, 2013


Loving the arts and loving each other. #labordayweekend
Up and at 'em for the craft show and Art Walk in downtown Ocean Springs.

Crazy 'bout TatoNuts.
Kinda crazy 'bout Tatonut Donuts.

My mom wanted me to take this for my guitar playing David.
Loved this artwork by Coast artist Spencer Gray, Jr.

Agreeing as they are singing John Denver's "Ain't it good to be back home  again".
Loving and agreeing with John Denver's "Ain't it good to be back home again".

An amazing way to spend a Saturday evening.
Loved an evening of worship and Word at Mosaic Church.

Supper with these two characters.
Supper with these two.

Walked a million miles today so I could eat this pile of yummyness.  No guilt.
The loaded nachos at the Mosaic Cafe on Government Street were amazing.

Merry said she would take the first bite in case it was poisoned.  She said it was important for me to live.
Dessert at a lovely bakery and sweet shop.

Favoring her maple pastry.
Laura was loving her pastry.

Walking home from supper and dessert.
Loved walking back to Grandmommy's after supper and dessert.

Crashing with the Disney Channel after a long, fun day. #labordayweekend #visitinggrandmommys
Relaxing in front of the tv after our evening out.

Merry says this is her "world breaking smile" and she wants it sent to Bets-Bets.  Goodnight, world! #labordayweekend
Since Daddy is still gone to New Orleans with Anna, Merry got extra Mommy snuggles.

No fierce faces when she's sound asleep.
After a full day, sleep was very sweet.

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