Thursday, August 08, 2013


In yesterday's blog post, I wrote about three things that I need. I left off a very important thing that I need.

I need to see you.  We need to see you.

At this point, our plans are to be in Africa when the new year begins. We aren't making plans to move back to America. Unless God does something somewhere down the road, we expect to live the rest of our lives in Africa. We don't know when our first return trip to visit the States will be. With a family as large as ours and with the hopes of adding to our family in the years to come, pricey overseas travel will not be something we can easily or often do.

We'd want to see our friends and family before we left even if we thought that in four or five years we were moving back. But with the permanency of our new life in mind, it is even more important for us to see folks.

So how does this need get met? Come see us or invite us to see you!

Come eat pizza and watch a movie or enjoy a quit evening of sipping hot tea and dunking cookies.

We have lots of room at our house here at We Will Go Ministries for overnight guests,too. Not only do we have our house, but we also have guest houses that our friends and family can stay in. Head into downtown Jackson for a weekend of service and spiritual retreat at We Will God while also hanging out with us. Or just come and spend the night and I'll cook supper for you and we'll talk your ears off.

Maybe you can't come to us, okay, so ask us to come to you!

Invite us to come over for supper, coffee and dessert, or meet you somewhere --- the whole family or just me, Jim, or us as a couple.

Arrange for us to speak to your church, service organization, retreat, missions conference, Bible study, small group, or children's church about what we'll be doing in Africa. 

Host an open house and invite mutual friends to stop by and see us. This is especially great if you live in another town. It would give us the chance to see you as well as others who live in your area.

Have our kids over to spend-the-night or just play. We love living in the city, but my kids do miss their pets and getting to play in big backyards or roam through woods.

Invite us to join you on an outing or field trip. There are still so many  places in Mississippi that I'd like my kids to get to visit before we leave. All too often, we say "one day we'll do that" but keep putting it off. An invitation from a single friend or another family makes it happen.

Fix lunch for us one Sunday at your house. We do have to be at We Will Go by 2:00 every Sunday to prepare for an afternoon of ministry, but we gotta eat! Lunch at your house after church would be a joy and blessing. Plus, you'd only have to put up with us for about an hour and a half.

Make plans to see us when we're visiting family on the Coast or Columbus. We'll be at both places frequently between now and the move. We'll most likely be on the Coast for about a week in December.
Whatever it takes, let's get together.  I don't want to get on that big jetliner and have regrets that I didn't get to see people who really mean a lot to me.  Yes, there will be Skype, email, and Facebook, but nothing beats a good, ole, in-real-life get-together.

"Cause you know, if you don't see me before we move, then I'm going to expect you to come see us in Swaziland. 

I'm not kidding.

1 comment:

Jen U. said...

Elysa- you know your always welcome back here for another visit. If their are AL FIAR moms that you would love to see before you leave, let me know and I will organize a get together here at our place. If their are places here in AL that you and the kids want to see before you leave- come stay here and we will make it happen. I know your time is short and precious but we would LOVE to see you one last time before you leave, if possible. Maybe we can make a trip over there and you could show us Jackson and New Orleans?