Today, I want to say "thank you" to God for NORTHERN THAILAND IMPACT MINISTRIES and the opportunity they are giving my daughter B to serve with them this coming year. If you have read my previous posts, you know that she will be going for two months to love God's precious children (and some adults, too) as she ministers at an orphanage, a center for street children, thru English classes and clubs, at a Thai church, and just through every day connections that God brings her way in the marketplace, in her neighborhood, and as she explores the Thai countryside.I am thankful for an organization that not only sees and affirms the giftings of adults, such as Jon and Chrissy Espy who are pictured here being prayed for at their commissioning service, but also college students and high school students. They know that God is a BIG, BIG God who can use even young people in BIG, BIG ways because He loves them and He is able and willing to equip them with all that they need.
To read more about the ministry of NTIM, follow this link: follow our daughter on her journey to Thailand, go to her blog:
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