Wednesday, October 31, 2012


My eyes beheld some wonderful images today --- the little kids looking all cute in fun costumes for the church activities they attended, the beautiful full moon as Jim and I walked home, and the delicious array of food set out for our We Will Go fellowship meal tonight were just some of them.

But the two images that stand out are of my two oldest sons worshiping the Lord tonight at the special time our ministry had tonight and...

So blessed by these young worship leaders.

...sweet Katrina with her 40th birthday cake. She's one of our neighbors. She's facing some rough things right now but she chose to come out and spend her birthday night with us.

And many more!

Halloween can be really rough for a lot of the folks in our area of the city. We've been told that violence and other  deeds of darkness really increase on this night. We Will Go holds an outdoor night of praise, prayer, scripture, and testimony every October 31st. We do this to push back the darkness, to bring the love light of Jesus into our neighborhood, and to provide a safe, welcoming place for people like Katrina.

We want our neighbors to always know that Jesus is their safe place. An ever help in times of danger. The One who will never turn them away. The One who is bigger than all the evil in this world. The One who has and does and will overcome the darkness. And the one, if they will only trust Him, will help them fight every rough thing coming their way. He'll stand right by their side, no matter what.

He'll do that for me. He'll do it for you, too.

[F]or everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

I John 5:4-5

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