Saturday, October 06, 2012


Betsie and David just walked in the door at 10:20 p.m. after a shift on the job at Swirly Treats. Today was David's first day working there. Jim is gone to the fair with Desmond, Anna, and Patrick. They walked over about an hour and a half ago. But that's only a little bit of our day.

PA060077 Clothes ministry
We had one group of volunteers who came this morning and spent time in prayer, worship, and service.  Jean from Crossgates helped me in the clothes ministry.

PA060091 David prays
David and Patrick led a group in doing yard work on Base 1 and praying with them before they left.

PA060136 Pinelake Group
In the afternoon, 50 or so teenagers and leaders from Pinelake Baptist came.  We divided up into small groups and walked around our neighborhood sharing about our ministry and praying for the neighorhood God has called us to love.  Miss Henrietta, one of our sweetest neighbors, joined in on the prayer walking.

PA060155 Merry and pizza
Suppertime was just all about the eating, it was about fun and friends.

PA060167 Anna Ashley Elysa
We invited several of the singles over who serve and worship with We Will Go, both live-on-base missionaries and just amazing folks who consider We Will Go their church family, like sweet Ashley, a medical student at UMC.  We ate pizza, watched missionary videos, and talked about God's plans for our futures.
All in all, a full and fabulous day.

And now as I finish this up, my 15 year old son stands on our front porch with a drunk neighbor and two other missionaries. Betsie and I pray inside. So is our life that God has called us to here at We Will Go.

Never what we think it is going to be...but always what God has planned.

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