Wednesday, May 30, 2012


This photo was taken at the Passion Conference this past January.  It is of Anna with two of her  friends, Megan and Sophia, two of her Adventures in Missions Thailand teammates.
Anna, Sophia, Megan

Today, they are together again. But this time, instead of being Thailand bound, they are African bound. God actually used Megan and Sophia to get Anna on this trip. Now they are about to begin a crazy, wonderful, God adventure in an entirely different setting.

Last summer, they were ministering to bar girls in modern, lush Phuket, Thailand. This summer they will be ministering in hospitals, mud huts, schools, churches, orphanages, and maybe even refugee camps scattered around Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Pray for Anna, Megan, and Sophia as they travel to meet their team at the AIM base outside of Georgia and then their team travels on to their training in another part of Georgia. Pray for safety and traveling mercies, but more importantly, pray for love.

Pray that their new team will be united by their common love of God and their desire to love the least and the lost. Pray that the same kind of strong bonds of friendship Anna experiences with these two girls and friends from her Swaziland Ambassador trip, will also be made with this summer's teammates.

Living together closely in rough and rugged places can be stressful. Lack of comforts, strange foods, and miles of hiking can be wearing. But we know that "love covers a multitude of sins".

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