Monday, May 28, 2012


Over the weekend, Anna started saying her goodbyes in earnest. Today, was her last full day at home. Tomorrow, she begins her first leg of the journey toward Africa.

P5260794 Anna and Miss Barbara Hug resized

She'll travel to Atlanta where she'll spend a couple of days with two of her friends from last year's Thailand team. And then later on in the week, they'll meet up with their team and start an intense few days of training and getting to know each other in preparation for their two months of ministry.

Please pray for her as she finishes up her packing. She has basically finshed her trip packing, but she's still got a lot to do as her room needs to be completely packed up before she leaves. We are hoping to move to We Will Go this summer while she's in Africa so she needs to have things sorted and ready for storage until she sets up housekeeping in her new home in New Orleans.

Please, also pray for her full healing. She's not running a fever today, but she's still got a lot of sinus mess bothering her.

Thank you. Your prayers really do mean so much.

1 comment:

Drewe Llyn said...

Praying for Anna…and you. :-)