Thursday, August 09, 2012


"Praise is warming and desirable. But it is an earned thing.

P8030261 Hug edited and resized

It has to be deserved, like a hug from a child."

Phyllis McGinley

And speaking of praise and hugs, today is my dear friend Shannon's birthday. That's her up above receiving that great hug. Shannon has been my friend for nearly as long as Anna has been alive. She's fun and crazy and an authentic follower of Jesus. She loves her family, some days almost as much as she loves her favorite band, Switchfoot. SHe makes me laugh and I trust her with my kids. I'm very blessed to have her in my life. Though I'm not with her today, I hope this let's her know that I love her very much and would definitely give her a big hug --- and maybe a lipsticky kiss or two --- if she was here. Heck, I'd even have Hurricane playing in the background.

Keep on head banging, woman!

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