Thursday, August 18, 2011


What are you dreaming about?

What are you passionate about?

If you are like a lot of people, you don't even know how to answer that question. Either you've never discovered your passions and have never been encouraged to dream about what your life could be like, or you used to dream and feel passionate about certain areas of your life but the life you are now living has pushed all that out of the way.

Now, whether it is because of a too busy schedule or health issues or perhaps even deep hurts and rejections, you've forgotten about those things that used to inspire and excite you. You long ago let go of your dreams and now discount them as impractical, too hard, unaffordable, or maybe that you don't even deserve to have a life that is filled with purpose and worth.

But that is just wrong thinking.

Yes, maybe those dreams you had when you were 7 and dreamed of growing up and being the Queen of England need a little re-thinking, but maybe that unrealistic dream actually somehow had a seed of reality in it somewhere. Maybe God has put in you a gift for leading and loving and being majestic with your life. Maybe you can't be the Queen of England, but maybe you can help broken, rejected, hurting girls and women see themselves as daughters of the King. Maybe God is calling you into a ministry for HIS Kingdom that will bring His subjects to a place that they can see how richly they are loved by the King of the Universe.

To me, that beats being the Queen of England any day.

For me, as many of you know, I grew up dreaming of running my own orphanage and loved hearing missionary stories. Now, in my mid-40's, God is changing our lives, changing our plans, and even changing our mailing address has He has stirred up that old childhood dream and turned it into a life plan. I'll be spending the rest of my life, Lord willing, loving orphans and at-risk African children while encouraging and equipping those in their communities who are caring for them.

I get excited just thinking about it!

But for a long time, my dreams and passions were sidelined as I struggled through the early years of mommy-hood and healed up from deep spiritual wounds.

I am so thankful to God that He brought the people, books, and blogs into my life that eventually led me back to Swaziland and now have been instrumental in my husband and children gaining a vision for going into all the world.

I want each of you to be living out those passionate dreams that God has for your life. It probably won't look much like my life and that's okay. Your passion and dream might look like a few hours spent every week doing free haircuts and styles for residents at a homeless shelter or going monthly to a children's hospital and putting on puppet shows or a community garden in a poor, inner-city neighborhood.

Maybe your passion and dream means you go back to college and get that nursing degree or learn American Sign Language so you can work with special needs kids or finish that education degree so you can move to a closed country and teach English while sharing Jesus relationally.

Seth Barnes, found of Adventures in Missions, has written a short e-book that is geared toward helping you discover that passion, release your dream, and then make it a reality.

So spend about 8 minutes reading DISCOVERING YOUR PASSION and then get ready to watch God change your life and the world around you.

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