Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Just a quick update on what is going on with us and our extended family.

I got back home today after spending a few days with my Cousin Beth and her family. My oldest daughter was with me for about half the time. Obviously, we are still reeling and coming to grips with her husband's incarceration. He is such a good, good man and is loved greatly by so many...especially his family and wife. He is already deeply missed and we all pray that this prison time gets shortened either thru an appeal where the sentence is overturned or thru early parole.

Please continue to pray for all of them as they walk out this extremely difficult chapter of their lives. They are trusting and leaning on God. They know that He can bring good out of even a terrible situation. They know that this is not the end of the story and that in the end, truth will triumph. But it still hurts.

Thanks and if you know Beth and her family, I know they'd love to hear from you.

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