I was listening to my favorite Bible teacher via the internet this morning. He's been teaching on Peter and why he followed Jesus and why WE should follow Jesus.
It brought to my mind several years ago when I was in a really rough spot. I had been very hurt spiritually, was confused theologically, and had experienced great losses that had wounded me deeply. Inside, I was just a mess and the whole "God thing" had me bewildered....and this from a woman who had known Him basically her whole life! One day, I was seriously considering just chucking the whole Christianity thing but a couple of things stopped me dead in those wandering tracks. The first thing was how hurt my husband and children would be. The second thing was when I pondered where I would go and whom I would turn to?
There's the rub. Despite how confused and hurt I get at times, how can I turn my back on Jesus?
Steve's words this morning communicate that so well:
[Jesus] said, "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends... And you're My friends." WOW! Is that something else? I have a bunch of friends but my best friend is Jesus. Does that sound pious? It really does ... but He is 'cause I tell Him things I'd never tell my other friends. I tell Him my secrets and I never do that to other people...not ALL of my secrets. I can say whatever I want to say to Him and He still loves me. And Peter's not going to leave and I'm not going to leave and you're not going to leave because where in the world are you going to find somebody who loves you that way? Who forgives you that way and who promises things that will be delivered? You think about that.*
*From Steve Brown's 8/21/07 online KEYLIFE BIBLE STUDY http://www.keylife.org/broadcast/
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