Saturday, August 25, 2007


I've rec'd word from my mom that Roy is expected to live only another few days...3 to 4 at the most. Red flags were going up because he was not recovering from the surgery as they had hoped. He'd make small gains but just never seemed to make true, lasting progress. After doing an echo cardiogram and then verifying it thru another procedure, they've determined that he has an aortic tear.The surgeon says that he would not survive the surgery needed to repair it. So now we just wait til his time to pass on.

My mother is with him and is understandably hurting. But she's not alone. I told her on the phone that I wished I could be with her, that I hated her being alone. She answered, "I'm not alone. I have the Lord and I still have Roy."

We both know that Roy is going to a better place. He's lived a full life full of adventures and lots of loving relationships. Now its time for him to receive his ultimate healing from God.

Please pray for us during this time. Pray that his passing will be easy. Pray that he'll feel the very tangible presence of our sweet Lord. Pray that we will all be united in love. And I'd ask you to pray specifically that Roy will be cognizant of our goodbye visit with him. I'd especially like the grandchildren to know that their Papa Roy knew they were there. They're having a rough time with this. They lost their Grandpa Vers (J's step dad) a couple of weeks ago and now they are losing Roy, a grandparent they were close to and saw often.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and other expressions of love and support.


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