Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sweet Sunday

Today was such a nice "day of rest". Time at church, was as usual, wonderfully refreshing and so full of authentic love and fellowship. I sang a solo during the worship service entitled BEAUTY OF GRACE. I love the lyrics as they are a powerful reminder that we can never go too far away from God's grace, mercy, and love. We can never mess up so badly that we can't go back to Him.

After the worship portion of the service was over, hubby and I taught the oldest kids' Sunday School class during the preaching. Our focus today was on St. Patrick and how God used him to pierce through the spiritual darkness of evil that was so prevalent in Ireland and show the people the loving light of our Lord Jesus Christ. The kids asked great, insightful questions and then enjoyed ending the class session with a rousing game set to Celtic music.

After a lunch of some Rachael Ray French Dip with Italian Attitude sandwiches, it was nap time for the parents and the 3 little ones before Super-Dad had to run the 2 oldest girls up to the church. An older teen in the church had organized a rock concert featuring a handful of local bands to raise money for the area crisis pregnancy center. Hubby came home and we did our daily walk before indulging in our weekly tradition of a movie and pizza. I went out to get the girls only to find upon my return Super-Dad cleaning up a really nasty mess compliments of the hobbit baby. Don't don't want to know.

Then it was bedtime for the 5 youngers, a re-watch of the movie with the 2 oldest, and now the day is winding down as books are beckoning hubby and me.

Hope your day of rest was as refreshing as mine was. I know I needed it...for tomorrow is day THREE of our Working Vacation/Spring Cleaning Extravaganza!!!!!!

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