Saturday, May 25, 2013


With three and a half days left til we depart for our Swaziland trip, I've actually started packing (early for me) and bought the last few things I needed at Target.

Starting to pack for the Swaziland trip! #swazilandtrip2013 #swazilandbound #packing #breatheright #goodiesformissionaries #chocolatechips

The schedule for our week in Africa seems to be coming together nicely and Anna arrived from New Orleans today, bringing Betsie with her. Betsie had gone down to spend a few days after last weekend's graduation. With them here, the packing started, and all the trip stuff purchased (except for a last-minute requested container of salsa for some very sweet missionaries), I actually feel like I'm almost ready to go.

Oh wait, I still have to finish Betsie's transcript, do her yearbook page, fill out a day camp registration forms for Travis and Merry, make a needs-to-happen-while-I'm-gone list for Jim, call about VBS for the youngest kids, and get the giant pile of clothes off of the trunk in my room and put away.

Okay, so maybe I'm not so ready to go after all.

Pray! We're gonna need it.

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