Saturday, May 18, 2013


A few weeks ago, we celebrated the Betsie's high school graduation, her first, that is. Today, we celebrated the second one. See, that's what happens when you're a teensy bit of an over achiever and your family is involved with not just one, but two homeschool groups.

Betsie's senior display at the graduation reception. #betsiesgraduation #checgraduation #seniordisplay #betsiessenioryear #thegraduate

So back in April, Betsie marched in a more intimate ceremony as part of the Florence-Richland Homeschool Group's Class of 2013 and today she marched in one at First Baptist Jackson as part of the Class of 2013 from the Christian Home Educators Connection. There were over forty in this group and even the governor of Mississippi was in attendance. Yes, it was pretty posh with hundreds in attendance.

Despite the differences in size and execution, they were both beautiful ceremonies, done with a lot of love, and both meant a great deal to the graduates and their families. I'm very thankful to all those who worked so hard on making these events very special ones for Betsie. And I'm very thankful to God for giving me such an amazing daughter. Betsie truly is, as her middle name indicates, a Joy in our lives.

Congratulations, Betsie! 
Your family couldn't be any more proud of you.
 We are truly going to miss you when you start your
 new adventure at MUW come this fall.

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