Wednesday, November 02, 2011

CHECK and UH...

Got tickets for Swaziland trip? Check!

Got passports for Swaziland trip? Uh.....

That's right. Last night, the hunky hubby sat down and ordered all our tickets. In that special way that God has of blessing His daughters, He provided an unexpected gift. When Jim started looking for the most inexpensive tickets that would get us there when we needed to be there and all the other factors, an itinerary with an eleven hour lay-over in Paris, France was what he came up with.

When we told the big girls (the other kids were already all in bed) to say that they were excited is an understatement!

Going to Paris has been a years' long dream for some of our daughters. In fact, our 10 year old was already in the process of writing a story about her cats visiting Paris.

So after the tickets were decided on, Jim needed all our passport numbers.

Passports? Uh.......

Yeah, remember how I posted several days back that we had gotten in the last of the kids' passports? Well, we could find all the kids' passports but the grown-ups' were no where to be found. We looked and looked and took stuff down and out and to no avail. We finally went to bed around midnight.

This morning we started praying in earnest and when I got around to start looking, the very first place I searched revealed them. If you heard strains of The Doxology wafting thru the air around 4:30 this afternoon, that was me.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow....

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