Saturday, June 25, 2011


What I'm doing?

Well, besides blogging, obviously, I'm working on the final days of fundraising for David's upcoming mission trip, still editing photos from the Thailand trip, eating blueberries by the handful off of our own bushes, and enjoying having my hubby home after he's been gone working with the flood recovery efforts.

What am I reading?

SUPERFOODS RX and the book of Nehemiah in the Bible

What I'm thinking?

That we all need a lot of grace. That we need to love passionately those we've been blessed with in our lives. That I need to be more intentional in looking for ways to communicate to people how much God loves them because we're not promised tomorrow.

What I'm listening to?


What am I cooking?

Made a main dish of Asian, veggie, fried, brown rice and a broccoli dish with a Thai peanut sauce.

What I'm dreaming about?

Thailand has been in a lot of my sleeping dreams but Swaziland still reigns in my day dreaming.

What I've been praying about?

My cousin Elliott's recovery from his accident, my friend Chrissy Espy as she mourns the loss of her brother, provision for David and his Peru teammates, Anna in Thailand, missionary Jumbo Gerber whose dad passed away this weekend, our friends and family members who don't know Jesus, Jackson, Thailand, and Swaziland.

So what are you up to? Feel free to snag this and then send me the link!

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