Thursday, May 05, 2011


It is late. I hadn't meant to still be up. We've been busy today with getting things ready for a huge rummage sale to raise mission trip money this weekend. After unloading wonderful amounts of donated items to sell at the church, the hunky hubby treated me and the "busload of kids" --- as a dear friend on fb described them --- to supper at the local Tex-Mex place in honor of Cinco de Mayo. No, we are not Mexican, but like most Americans, will take any excuse we can to celebrate and eat lots of good food.

After supper and hanging up a few rummage sale fliers around town, it was home to exercise a bit before bedtime. But then Betsie happened.

My beautiful girl all the way over in Thailand sent me a message over facebook chat and the rest is history.

Goodbye early bedtime, hello late night.

But that's okay. She is so worth it. I'm passionate about some things in this life. Missions and my kids are two of those things I'm crazy about. So getting to fb instant message with my girl while she's ministering in Thailand is a chance I won't pass up.

She's doing great. God is teaching her so much and she's really growing in Him. I'm so proud of the decisions she is making and the way she is opening herself up to God, letting Him truly change her.

I'm truly blessed. And tired. And better go to bed now that she's off her break and back to work.

But if you think about it, please pray for us? We have got a LOT of work ahead of us related to the rummage sale. We have been blessed with so much stuff to sell but we really, really need some help with setting up and with the actual sale.

Will you please pray that I won't stress out, that God will make the less-than-usual amount of sleep I'm going to get stretch to be enough, and that we'll have all the help we need.

Oh! And while I'm thinking about it. I'll announce the auction winners as soon as I can. There are a couple of auctions still open for bidding. And if you've bid or told others about the auctions, thank you so much! It is all working together to get the money raised.


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