From my pal Deb Gangemi:
Our older son, Anthony, is now 14 years old. His “love language” is the receiving of gifts. He looks forward to his birthday and Christmas with so much joy and anticipation! But this year, three days before Christmas, at the height of
While we didn’t have much money to spend on gifts, any gift would have delighted him. But we also know he was hoping against all hope that we had bought a Nintendo DS for him. With that hope very much alive in him, his request that we return his presents represented an enormous sacrifice on his part.
As we have learned about the abject poverty the children of Beveni live in, and how many basic needs are not met, we began to dream with Anthony about how God could grow his $200 gift into something much larger.
Now we are studying the life of Esther. We’re aware you know the story, but want to share how it has come to galvanize our family to create the “Beveni Carepoint Christmas Sacrifice to Purim Challenge”. Yup, a mouthful to be sure, but also a heart full!
Purim is the festival celebrating Esther, her obedience to act in faith and the result of that obedience. In the spirit of Anthony sacrificing that which he waited an entire year for, and in response to the question Mordecai posed to his cousin Esther: “Who knows but that we have come to our position of royalty (as sons and daughters of the King of Kings) for such a time as this?, the Gangemi family invites you to be part of a BIG adventure, one in which He takes the offerings of many to create something large enough to make a difference for the children.
The challenge:
Beveni is in desperate need of basic infrastructure. They have no electricity, fence, latrines, water system, kitchen or garden. Many of the children cannot attend school because they aren’t able to pay the annual tuition. A significant number of them eat only once a day.
But together, we can make a difference!
$5 can provide 30 meals for a child
$75 pays for a year of school tuition
$600 would provide a water storage tank
Look how our gifts added together magnify the benefit to the children:
175 giving $50 each would result in a kitchen for the grandmothers to cook meals in.
375 people giving $10 each will provide a garden for the caregivers and children to grow fresh food.
500 people giving just $15 each would provide an entire water system, including a well.
Our request:
Specifically, we ask everyone receiving this note to make a one time gift of $5.00 or more to Children’s HopeChest for the Beveni Carepoint by going online to:
Please put Beveni Challenge in the note section. Or by sending a check (with a note requesting the money be given to the Beveni Challenge)to:
Children’s HopeChest
PO Box 8627
Pueblo, CO 81008-8627
If you are able to give more, please do!
We believe in God’s committed heart for these kids, and in the reality that we are His Body, the one He provides care through. Any gift you are able to extend to these children and their caregivers will be as life to them. Every one of us has the opportunity to be part of making the difference. Every gift given becomes part of something larger than what we can do alone. These gifts will make a lasting difference to all of the children and their caregivers by providing them with basics we take for granted but they can only dream about.
We also ask you to share this challenge with people you know. If you are involved in a church, small group, club, team or business, please consider asking them to partner with us in this challenge.
Please realize that when you share this information, you are giving people the opportunity to participate in the blessing of joy that comes when we care for the orphans and the widows.
We ask that you make your gift to the children by Wednesday, March 11, the last day of Purim. In reading Esther, we learn that Mordecai calls for two days to be celebrated every year, the days of Purim. He gave specific instruction on how to celebrate, and included in those instructions the giving of gifts to the poor. In giving to the children of Beveni, you will be giving to some of the poorest of the poor! In the giving, we participate in the celebration of God providing for His people in a way that is near and dear to His heart.
We are aware that many of you receiving this are already involved in orphan care ministry. We know the needs of orphans your ministry cares for are great. If you prefer to make your gift to that ministry and you don’t mind letting us know, please drop us a line so we can share the news with our son.
We thank each of you, for your hearts that have responded to the heart of the Father to care for His little children. We look forward in great anticipation to see what He accomplishes through His big kids for His little ones, and with joy in the journey!
We welcome any questions you have and we have provided our ministry email address below. You can also find us on Facebook at the Beveni Carepoint group, an online community formed to support the children and their caregivers with prayer. Since its formation in early December, over 300 people have joined, and 37 children have become sponsored. If you are interested in becoming hope to one of the 65 children waiting for a sponsor, please let us know. We are the volunteer sponsorship coordinators for the children of Beveni, through Children’s HopeChest. We would be honored to help you find “your” child and to begin a relationship that will give hope and a future to a child.
In Him, with faith and joy!
Tom, Deb, Anthony and Aidyn Gangemi
bevenicarepoint "at" comcast "dot" net
Whatever you do for one of the least of these, that you did for me. Matthew: 25: 40
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