Thursday, July 10, 2008

I had hoped to get a lot more photos from the 4th "weekend" posted plus add more posts but the last couple of days have been crazy. The computer has been giving me fits and I've had to spend the majority of my online time trying to get it working right. Its been very frustrating. Plus, we've been having lots of afternoon and evening thunderstorms so I've had to stay off the pc during those times.
ANYWAY...gotta keep this quick but just wanted y'all to know that I've not dropped off the face of the bloggy earth, just been dealing with complications.
Hope to be back on my regular posting schedule soon.
I'll post a quick pic in closing:

This is of one of my children, who will remain unnamed, hiding from unpleasantness during our recent trip. Let me tell you, there are times I want to do the same...or throw a brick thru my computer screen!



~ said...

Sorry to hear that you're having computer problems. I've been missing your posts.

Rhonda Jeanne said...

I feel his/her pain.