Monday, December 01, 2008


My friend Jeff Goins, of Adventures in Missions, asked me to help get the word out about an awesome new opportunity for young adults. It won't just change the participants lives, I can pretty darn guarantee that it will change the world around them as well. Here's what Jeff has to say:

This year at AIM, we've started a new discipleship program in Mexico for
18-25 year-olds who are yearning for something more - an opportunity to live
and grow in community with other Christ-followers who are intent on seeing
the kingdom come.

So, this is a call to all you youth leaders, parents, and disciplers to send us your young people. Before they go off to college or start their careers, getting caught up in the world, we're encouraging you to send them off for the better part of a year to get
discipled and expand their worldviews.

The Journey Missions Program is not so much a program, but
more of its namesake - that is, a journey.

It is a discipleship opportunity - a journey that is shared with others, and led by those who have been traveling it for some time.

The beauty of this journey is the discovery that awaits you. The Apostle
Paul talks of presenting every man and woman complete in Christ, and that is the
goal of The Journey, as well (Colossians 1:28).

We want to teach others to abide in Christ and walk with Him. This is facilitated through one-on-one discipleship, physical labor, ministry, creativity, art, music,
community, and leadership.

Read more about The Journey Missions Program:

Feel free to re-blog this, forward to a friend, etc. Help us get the
word out!

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