Thursday, July 18, 2013


There are so many things to be thankful for. Some of them are big, like the healing of David's eye yesterday. Some of them might not seem as big but are still a very sweet gift.

A really sweet short-term missionary from Mass. brought Laura a handmade hula hoop.

Today, my Laura received one of those sweet gifts. A woman with a mission team from Massachusetts had shown the attendees at our Saturday children's ministry outreach some hula hoop tricks. Laura was especially fascinated and had expressed to the woman how impressed she was with the performance and with the special, hand-made hula-hoops. Julie had brought them to use and give out at a Vacation Bible School that their group was leading this week at another inner-city ministry. When she ended up having a couple of them leftover, she brought one by for Laura.

Laura was thrilled, her sister Merry wanted to try the hula hoop stunts, too, and this missionary mama's heart was warmed to see my girl blessed in this way.

Laura practices her hula hooping skills.

Big or little, I am filled with thankfulness today at the sweetness of my Lord and of His people.

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