Monday, July 29, 2013


...the unexpected of a package.

What makes that happiness even nicer? When it is a new book!

This one, The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing is by my friend and Adventures in Missions staffer Jeff Goins.  

A very short quote from the book contains great wisdom for me to remember ---

“In the waiting, we become.”

As I wait for the end of this year to get here and our new life in Swaziland to start, I need to keep that thought ever before me.

I'll be sharing more about this book after I've actually started reading it, but just had to share my surprise blessing with you.  After all, those unexpected, unasked-for ones are often some of the sweetest.  Maybe because they are so much like grace?

After all, true grace is God's unmerited favor.  His goodness came to us and keeps coming to us even though we so often don't deserve it.  And when we've experienced it, we just can't help but sharing it with others.

Thank God for grace and thank you, Jeff, for this unexpected gift this Monday afternoon!

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