Thursday, April 24, 2008


For more details, go to the EXPELLED: NO INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED website.


Rhonda Jeanne said...

oooooh! Have you seen this? We haven't made it yet.

Elysa said...

No but I definitely want to...though it'll most probably have to wait til it comes out on dvd though I'd love to support them with my money. But if you don't have the money, you just don't have it to use. :/

This living debt free can be pretty hard...and then to try to live not just debt free but below our means so that we can give more to others is hard in this American culture. I'm so "me" programmed. :(

Rhonda Jeanne said...

I think we are going to see it in Hattiesburg this weekend.

Elysa said...

I'll be looking forward to your review!

And I know I said it already, but to put it down in black and white...

I MISSED YOU TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! Its just not the same when you're not there.