Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Life can be busy...in fact, downright crazy at times. All the responsibilities involved with raising 7 great kids, homeschooling them, teaching children's church, driving kids to meetings and practices, leading our homeschool group, organizing church events, preparing for and then speaking to groups, etc, etc, I often find myself tired out by the time my husband gets home and then I forget. I forget that he still needs me to love on him in ways that are important to him. I forget to tell him how great he is. I forget that though I know I love him and appreciate him, unless I tell him, he won't always know it.

I should never be too tired or too busy to love on the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. So today I will count the ways...the ways and things I love, admire,like, and appreciate about him.

  1. His guitar playing

  2. His honor

  3. His faithfulness

  4. His dependability

  5. His love and commitment to God

  6. His blue eyes

  7. His intelligence

  8. His work ethic

  9. His gentleness with the elderly

  10. His gift of teaching

  11. His strong muscles

  12. His math skills

  13. His ability to balance the checkbook and do the taxes

  14. His honesty

  15. His outdoor ruggedness

  16. His love of learning

  17. His support of my dreams

  18. His passion

  19. His ability to fix most things

  20. His determination when faced with challenges

  21. His military service

  22. His whiskers

  23. His teachable spirit

  24. His father-heart

  25. His good manners

  26. His willingness to eat whatever I cook

  27. His great house cleaning skills

  28. His success in his profession

  29. His love of travel

  30. His willingness to pray with me and for me

  31. His love of books

  32. His support of my role as mother, homemaker, and homeschooler

  33. His leadership skills

  34. His willingness to watch "chick flicks" with me

  35. His logical way of thinking

  36. His funny, playful side

  37. His ability to teach and lead boys

  38. His way of looking so darn good in his scout master uniform

  39. His support of my trip to Swaziland

  40. His time that he gives to coach the kids' sports teams...officially and unofficially

  41. His willingness to let me spend time with my girlfriends

  42. His heart for the fatherless

  43. His work preparing my garden plot

  44. His time spent reading books to the children

  45. His efforts towards teaching the kids to ride their bikes and swim

  46. His willingness to run errands for me

  47. His hands-on parenting

  48. His desire to go on dates with me

  49. His love of music and how he puts songs on his ipod that he knows I like

  50. His okaying of me decorating our bedroom in a "beach monkey" theme

  51. His kisses

  52. His hugs

  53. His love

I thank my God upon every remembrance of him.


Karen Deborah said...

ahhhh schweett

Anonymous said...

Beach Monkey Theme??? Wow. I've gotta see that!

What a wonderful list! You do have a great guy!