Thursday, June 28, 2007

Rich Mullins wrote:

As we age, we begin to forget stuff;

our joints stiffen;

our heads go a little soft...

Getting old is part of getting past whatever illusion we have about ourselves.

It is part of getting free.

On this "Thankful Thursday", I thank God that I AM getting older. I thank God for each of the 41 years He has given me and the abundance of silver hair I have to show for those years.

And I thank God that He has used those years to draw me closer to Him. He has used those years to show me my weaknesses, my sins, my failings, my desperate need for Him. But He's also used them to show me how very much He loves me and that every day spent living, is another chance to worship Him, love Him, love others, and be FREE! He's finally gotten it through my hard head that His love for me is not based on my goodness, its based on HIS goodness. How liberating is that?!?

When I was young, I could get by on less sleep. When I was young my hair was thicker and my waist was thinner. When I was young I didn't have wrinkles and my hearing was much better. But when I was young, I didn't realize the magnitude and amazing nature of God's grace and mercy. I had no clue of the wonders He had in store for me. And HAS in store for me.

As a teenager and young adult, 40 seemed so OLD! Now it feels so FREE!!!

Thank you, God, for this great adventure. I look forward to seeing what You've got up your sleeve over the next 40 years.
Love you, Dad!

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