Wednesday, September 20, 2006


*Rachael Ray's new tv show!!! For years, she's only been on cable and we do NOT have cable. Now she's got a show that comes on every single morning on CBS. It is SO fun, the food is way yum-o, and she's so down-to-earth adorable!!!
*Cold pasta salad made with a yummy Asian peanut sauce (a RR recipe). YUM-O!
*D.E. Stevenson's books (nice, cozy stories).
*HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. Okay okay, I KNOW its a movie geared toward the generation that's a LOT younger than I am, but its so CUTE and the music is GREAT! It really has the feel of those great old musicals from way back when. Everyone, except Daddy, is eagerly looking forward to the sequel!!!!
*Scads of beaded jewelry
*The book GIRLFRIENDS FOREVER by Susan Branch
*Seeing my 2 oldest sons dressed in their new Cubscout uniforms. So handsome! ;)


Drewe Llyn, Girlfriend's Mentor said...

Blogging....I knew you'd catch the bug.
High School Musical? LOL!
How fun!

Heather said...

Hey! I didn't know Rachael Ray had a new show ... yum-o!!


Elysa said...

Drewe Llyn---Yep, its just such a fun, sweet, sing-along movie. Even my Travis sings the songs. And a couple of Sundays at church he came and got me cause I just had to go see "Troy"...a teenage guy Travis was CONVINCED was the heartthrob from the movie! LOL!

Heather---You've GOT to watch RR's show! Its great. And actually, its been a good motivation for the the kids and me to get our jobs done quickly so we can watch the show. I'm using the down time to snuggle with my toddler and baby plus do sit-down jobs such as mending that I usually NEVER get around to. Helps me not feel so guilty for sitting down and watching tv in the middle of the day. :) And couldn't I also count it as home economics for the kids? Even my 9 year old son was watching it today and wants me to film him doing a cooking show this evening. ;)