Monday, September 11, 2006


Okay, so most of you are wondering what in the world I'm talking about. But a small minority of you know that one of the reasons my college years were so special was because of the sisters I had in The Troubadour Social Club. When I pledged back in the Spring of 1985, I was the only pledge with just two active members to bring me through the trials of pledging. It was rough at times, and to be honest, I couldn't have done it without my friends who were already members in Silhouettes, another W club. Though it wasn't kosher, they supported me through a challenge that at times seemed impossible to make it through. Early morning roll calls and memorizing lists of names are not in my top ten lists of things I relish.

But through pledging and then being a member for 3 years, I learned and gained so many things. I learned to work hard for something that was worth sacrificing for. I gained skills in organizing events and people that would still benefit me to this day. I learned to work toward a common goal alongside people that were often very different from me and what I was used to. I made some incredibly good (and silly) memories. And I was blessed with lifetime friends. Only having a brother in my family, I gained the sisters I had never had....sisters that I loved then and still love today.

Over 20 years ago, I stood on a stage during Songfest with 2 other Troubadours and sang the club song---

"Like a tiny spark of fire,
Troubadour spirit will linger.
Though at times it may grow dim,
It will always live in our hearts.
So when we part,
Let's keep in our hearts,
The tiny spark of love we've gained---by being a Troubadour."

Who would have ever thought that one day that club would be picking up the biggest pledge class on campus and I'd still be gaining new friends with every group of girls that starts the journey towards "being a Troubadour". Today was bid-day at The W and a new set of pledges will soon be learning songs, painting stuff blue, favoring blue M&M's, and building lifetime friendships.

I love you, my Troubadour sisters, and may the spark of love always shine brightly.

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