Friday, March 04, 2011


I'm sick. Too sick to think of something creative or funny or deep so instead I'm posting a couple of Flashback Friday photos.

Yep, it is me around 1972 or 1973 when I was turning 6 or 7. I still have that doll that I got for my birthday that year. It survived the fire in her fabulous, pink, metal case that has a rack for hanging her clothes. I loved that doll!

The cake, featuring Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, came from the bakery at Westland Plaza in South Jackson. Any of y'all remember that place? I thought it was the epitome of amazing shopping. The pictures with corresponding numbers for each section of the parking lot was the coolest thing to this kid. It was only rivaled by the sophisticated Jackson Mall that had a restaurant as part of the Penney's. That's where my love of chicken salad sandwiches was formed.

So, do any of you native Jackson area folks have any memories you want to share?

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