Thursday, September 03, 2009


Children's Cup requests that on Day 34 of PRAYING WITH THE CHILDREN that you specifically pray for orphans living alone:

Please join us in prayer for our orphans who have been thrust into family leadership at tender ages. Not only do these kids have to fend for themselves, they also have the responsibility of younger siblings. Ask God to give them wisdom beyond their lack of experience.

“He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.” - Proverbs 14:26 (NIV)

Emily and I took a trip to Swaziland in 2007 during which we were able to visit and experience first hand young children that have the responsibility of leading a household. I will never forget walking into those houses and speaking with the children about their daily lives. These kids are so grownup and mature on the outside, but underneath all that, is a precious child crying out for attention, love and someone to hold them close. Our prayer today is that our heavenly Father would sit down next to them, wrap His loving arms around each of them and cover each child with his protection and peace.

Pray with us today….

Father we ask you to hear our cry for these children, Lord we ask that your love and mercy will enter every household and flood each room with your presence. You see all things Father and we ask you to give courage and faith to these children. We pray Lord that in their everyday lives You will bless them and meet them in their circumstance. May your name be known in every household, may they have an encounter with you today and learn that the name of Jesus is powerful and casts out all darkness and despair.

Lord your love, heals all relationships, sickness, broken hearts and provides us with the strength that we need for tomorrow. As we cry out formore of You in our own lives so to do we ask that you bless this prayer and cover every little life that faces the task of leading a household. We pray against the enemies stronghold in these broken families and on the continent of Africa, the plan of the enemy shall not prevail.

Thank you Father for your promise, and may the name of Jesus be heard loud today as we come together in prayer across the globe.

Ty Van Rensburg

Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

To read the rest of the post and watch the accompanying prayer video, go to:

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