Sunday, April 19, 2009


Just wanted to give a quick follow-up to yesterday's post. Yesterday about $135 was made and then all the baked goods that weren't sold were taken to the girls' respective churches today and all items sold bringing the total to nearly $200!

We are thankful for this amount and appreciate your prayers.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!


Here's a correction to the above story: Apparently I was wrong, I got a facebook message from Megan and they actually raised a few hundred more than I'd realized. Someone baked bread for the sale and brought it to their church. They sold that homemade bread for $100!!!! Now that's some kind of amazing bread! Then several people gave her flat out donations so she raised all told about $800 towards her trip during this one weekend. Again, I will say, praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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