Thursday, May 08, 2008


Yesterday I was really feeling bad. I absolutely did NOT feel like leading children's worship and teaching my preschool class at our church. But, since I wasn't contagious, I just had to go. I couldn't wimp out of this one.

On the way there, I had the family pray for me in the van and then I put on some amazing praise music by the Kevin Prosch band. I just let myself totally get into praising God, lifting Him up, and letting Him strengthen me. That had an incredible impact on my spirit and my physical state of being.

Then once I was at church, I had the children pray for me and let them take turns helping me lead worship. They enjoyed it and it gave them the chance to not just receive, but give back to God and to each other.

After we split up into smaller groups according to ages, I ended up with a very small class, only 4 kids (2 of them were mine), so it was very manageable. We talked about Naomi and Ruth, Mother's Day, caring for their mother's ...especially when they're old and hungry ;D , and I helped them decorate candles I got from Kroger's for a quarter a piece.

God is faithful all the time. He really will make it possible for me to do whatever He's called me to do....especially where His little ones are concerned. After all, He told us so clearly to let the little children come to Him, do not hold them back. In no way should we do anything to cause them to stumble. And we must become like children to truly understand and receive His grace and love and walk a life of faith.

I praise God for the chances He gives me daily to minister not only to my children but other children as well.

But I have to ask His forgiveness for the times that I treat this as a chore, a burden, instead of a blessed privilege and calling.

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