Saturday, May 31, 2008

I sure would appreciate y'all's prayers. I'm singing in church tomorrow and I just feel so ill prepared. Its a busy, crazy weekend and the cd I'm singing along with didn't even arrive til yesterday so I've just had very little time to practice.
Pray that the song, NEVER LET GO by the David Crowder Band, will really minister to folks. We've got a lot of hurting people at our church right now. I want this song to encourage, strengthen, and bless them.
And I'll be real here, the musician in me also wants to not mess up. Singing solos is a tough situation for me. I love singing usually. Much of the time I sing because I love the Lord and enjoy praising Him and I want to minister to people. But a lot of times a big part of why I sing is that I like the attention and praise. For a few years I wouldn't even sing solos because I felt like my motivations were so about me instead of about Him and ministering to others.
At our present church, I've been asked to sing a good bit. And so I find myself struggling with this heart issue...but also struggling musically. The older I get the worse my memory gets. I have a hard time learning songs, remembering words and melodies. I also have a hard time even hearing the music and cues sometimes. So a song that in my college days I could have easily performed after just a few run throughs now takes me hours...hours that as a mom of seven I just rarely have.
I really need God to help me. I can't sing on my own abilities. In the past, I could probably do it without much need of prayer and dependence on Him. Those days are gone. The older I get, the more I'm aware of my limitations and absolute need for Him. It has got to be Him.
If you'd like to hear the song I'm singing, here's a link to a previous post featuring the video.
Never Let Go by David Crowder Band.


Christi Bowman said...

Good morning...I will be thinking and praying for you this morning! I was reading through your post this morning, and I had this thought... maybe the fact that it is much harder to remember words and melodies isn't so much about getting older, but maybe it IS God showing you that you can not do nothing apart from is easier to not let your pride get in the way, when you truly know where your gift comes from. If you KNOW you couldn't have done it by yourself, realizing your limitations...then it is obviously God...and the glory is His. If you realize that...then He has taken away your pride cheers to you baby girl!! Sing your heart out...knowing that it is Him through you!! <3

Karen Deborah said...

Last time i heard ya sing i was still under the conviction that you don't even need a mic. You have a beautiful voice, a gift and I'm glad your using it.

Carole Turner said...

Sorry I didn't read this before today. I hope you did well.

I posted something along the same lines today on my blog.

Have a great week.