Thursday, July 19, 2007


I was reminded today of how beautifully simple the security of my relationship is with Jesus.

Jesus loves me this I know,

For the Bible tells me so,

Little ones to Him belong,

They are weak but He is strong.

John 3:16 promises me that "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son Jesus, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life".

I don't have to follow a set of rules, go through some religious rituals, give away my money, have certain words said over me, wear a certain style of clothes, or memorize a bunch of stuff. I just have to believe and trust in Him for my salvation.

Its not about MY goodness, its about HIS goodness.

But wait...some of you might be saying "can you just sin and be rotten and not change and STILL expect to make it to Heaven and be a Christian?"

And some of you would be missing the point.

The point is that JESUS DID IT ALL!!!! He provided the way for me to be saved from my sins, to enter into a beautiful love-filled relationship with Him, and then to have an incredible life in the here after that will never, ever end.

All the good changes and good actions that someone might see in my life BECAUSE I've decided to follow Jesus, are not what saves me. Those "good things" are a result of HIS goodness dwelling in me because I'm His. When I daily walk in His presence, when I allow His spirit to live within me, when I realize how incredible His love and grace is, then those good things will just be a natural result.

But they are not what saves me. They are not what keep me. They are there because He loves me and I love Him.

His word says that while we were still sinners, He loved us. He chose to call me His own not because I deserved it, but because He loved me. He chose to give me eternal life not because I was good and should be reward thusly, but because He desires to be in fellowship with me.

Do you have that assurance? Do you really and truly know that He loves you no matter what? Are you depending on YOUR ability to make you right with Him? Are you hoping you can be good enough to earn God given rewards?

Dear friend, compared to His perfection, we will always fall short. We can NEVER be good enough. And what an insecure, fear-filled state to live always wonder if you're doing enough to be saved, to not be condemned, to be accepted.


You and I can never, ever be good enough...that's why Jesus and His sacrifice was essential.

"Amazing Grace,
How sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost,
But now I'm found,
Was blind but now I see."

On this Thankful Thursday, I am so grateful. I'm grateful for His love, His peace, His provision, His security, His passion, His goodness, and His amazing grace. I can face my tomorrow's and my eternal life without fear knowing that I'm His...forever and ever and ever, amen.

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