Tuesday, June 29, 2010


*B's team is still in Romania. They have a little over two weeks. Today they took and orphanage full of kids to a zoo and park. I would have LOVED to see that on webcam!

*The work on the house is coming along nicely. Our contractor says that realistically, he should be totally finished in 3.5 to 4 weeks! The painting and flooring is coming along so nicely.

*Hubby and I spent almost the whole day shopping for furniture and appliances on Saturday. It takes a long time to replace an almost entire houseful of furnishings. Everything is going to be so beautiful...even my washing machine and dryer! And the couch! OH MY! Our last one was about 16 years old and was literally bolted together by hubs to keep it from completely falling apart. It even broke at a party we had a few months back. The new couch is an L-shaped one and will be able to comfortably and with great strength hold a million kids and teenagers!

*We had a fun week at Vacation Bible School last week. Since daughter B was out of the country and unable to lead worship as she had last year, daughter A and I helped out. It was a lot of fun as we sang about who the TRUE super hero is, GOD!

Gotta go and do more running...um, not the kind with my feet, the 15 passenger van kind.


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