Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Last night my 3 year old son was being a bit of a grump. Hubby was off with the big girls at the fair, my 2 oldest sons and the 5 year old princess were playing on the pc, the hobbit baby was in her playpen, and my 3 year old was just at grouchy, loose ends.

I grabbed up a pile of books and offered him a snuggle in Daddy's chair as I read to him. At first he wasn't too keen on my book selections. HE wanted a book about volcanoes. But the very first one on the top of the pile brought out the sweetest, most joyful sounding laughs that I'd heard from him all day....in fact, the first true, happy laughs I'd heard in a few days....its been a rough past few weeks for our little mister.

The book, WIGGLE, is written by Doreen Cronin. She's the same author who has brought us the famous and silly farm books such as CLICK, CLACK, MOO: COWS THAT TYPE and DUCK FOR PRESIDENT.

We've enjoyed Cronin's other books, but this is the first one that caused my boy to say right away "read it again" and I did, at least THREE times! And for whatever reason, T. is really into crocodiles right now so we had to look at the page featuring the wiggly dog on top of the crocodile's snout over and over and OVER again! Who knows what lurks in the mind of a male preschooler! LOL!

1 comment:

Drewe Llyn, Girlfriend's Mentor said...

How fun! I'm glad Mr. Grumpy Gills is feeling better - as is his mom :-).