Thursday, November 13, 2008


If you asked the majority of my family how we're feeling today we'd probably answer in not so nice ways. Over half of us are sick and the ones of us that aren't sick are having to do extra work to make up for the sick ones. It's cold and overcast. It's just a dreary, blah kinda day.
And when feeling this nasty, it's easy to excuse bad attitudes and self-centered behavior. It's easy to say, "well, I deserve to be selfish" or "I can't help feeling grumpy...I just feel so bad". But that Bible doesn't seem to give us that out. It says be filled with the Holy Spirit and it's fruit...peace, joy, kindness, self-control, etc....and not just on the days we're feeling up to it.
Tall order for this gal and her very human family. But Jesus promised us before He faced Calvary and it's cross that the Holy Spirit would come and comfort us and empower us. He has made it very clear that there is ALWAYS a way provided for us not to give in to sin. The problem is that a lot of times, I just don't WANT to fight against the sin. I just want to be bad.
But I know I'm not supposed to be that way. And I really do want to please my Heavenly Father most of the time.
Miss Louise from church sent out the weekly announcements this week and at the very bottom she tacked on a quote. I thought it was pretty appropriate for my family's circumstances this week...and figured some of you might can relate to it as well.
"Our biggest problem is that we ask ourselves far too often how we feel about things….We need to discover what God wants us to do and just do it. We don’t need to make a big deal out of all the sacrifices. " Joyce Meyers
So....I'll just keep asking God to change this whiny, grumpy spirit while I focus in on His goodness. I'll read my Bible, listen to music centered on Him, and count on HIS spirit to feed my soul. And hopefully, it'll be Him living thru me and loving those around me despite my inadequacies....and runny, tickly nose.

1 comment:

Karen Deborah said...

um yes sniff snot snuffle sneeze and sweat, yes in fact I can relate. Except for the keeping on going part. I am in bed.