Monday, November 10, 2008

Last night I sent out an email, commented on my facebook profile, and posted here about the dire need for warm clothes and blankets in the inner-city of Jackson. Today my inbox has been deluged with people who want to help. It reminds me of what Shane Claiborne says. It's not that American Christians don't care about the poor, it's that they don't know the poor, or in this case, don't always know what the poor need and how they can help. I'm finding it to be so true that the majority of times, when I let people know of specific needs and specific ways they can help, people overwhelmingly respond in amazing ways.
And today I've been filled with incredible amounts of thankful joy as a result. Knowing that God is using me to love "the least of these" is such a huge blessing.
This morning, I heard a song for the first time. HERE I AM by Down Here spoke straight to my heart so I just had to share it with y'all.
I'm so grateful that He is using my life...that somehow my story is part of His plan.

Sometimes your calling, comes in dream
Sometimes in comes in the Spirit's breeze,
You reach for the deepest part of me,
And call out for the things of eternity.
But I'm a man, of dust and stains,
You move in me, so I can say,
Here I am, Lord send me,
All of my life, I make an offering,
Here I am, Lord send me,
Somehow my story, Is part of your plan,
Here I am
When setbacks and failures, and upset plans,
Test my faith and leave me with empty hands,
Are you not the closest when it's hardest to stand?
I know that you will finish what you began.
These broken parts you redeem,
Become the song, that I can sing
Overwhelmed by the thought of my weakness,
And the fear that I'll fail you in the end,
In this mess, I'm just one of the pieces,
I can't put this together but you can.


Karen Deborah said...

cool hope you can make arrangements for pick ups of the clothes.

Elysa said...

Karen---I'll do whatever is needed to get the clothes and blankets to the right people. If you have a bunch or have others around you who want to give you a lot then when you have it all collected, I can come up to your place or meet you at your office or whatever. The Lancasters' home/ministry is located just a couple of blocks north of the capitol building so it's very conveniently located if people work in Jackson, take their kids to lessons there, attend class at Milsaps, etc.

Just let me know what you need me to do.

I'll actually be out collecting stuff in the Southern and Eastern Metro area this week.

Email me if you need details.