Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Our Memorial Day Weekend

I had great hopes that we would be able to really make our Memorial Day more meaningful this year and though we did do some things, I hope to honor it more next year.
Here's what we did end up doing over the last couple of days---

On Sunday, our pastor showed a power point presentation in honor of our troops and then recognized all the members of our church who have served in the military. I was so proud of my former paratrooper and green beret husband as he stood to be honored. The rest of the day was a good, lazy, family-day which was a nice change from the work intensive one of the day before (we discovered a leak in our shower and had to do a BUNCH of clearing out so Super Hubby could take apart a wall!).

On Monday, I made a big pancake meal complete with yellow star pancakes in honor of Memorial Day. Super Dad and I talked with the kids about the meaning behind the stars and reminded them of what Memorial Day was all about. We spent special time in our family prayers remembering those who have lost loved ones and praying for those who are serving now and their families left behind. I especially prayed for my FIAR Bracelet Babe pal Paige, her children, and her husband Matt who is deployed in Iraq. Later that day, the older children journaled about Memorial Day and its meaning to them and I pulled out my old Baptist hymnal and played a handful of patriotic songs. Super Hubby was plum wore out from working on the leaking shower all day. Not a very glorious way for this former soldier to spend his day off from work, but at least we can be grateful that he has a good job that gives him holidays and that we live in a country where he can earn enough money to provide for his family...do what it takes to fix a leaky shower.

Next year, I hope that we can actually visit a cemetery and pay homage to those who are passed on but while living gave a large part of their lives in serving their country and in serving us...a family they never even knew but were willing to die for nonetheless.

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