Sunday, December 26, 2010


What a blessed Christmas we have had this year.

Last night, after we lit the last Advent candle and had our scripture reading, it was our traditional supper buffet comprised of fancy cheeses, breads, special meats, favorite chips, and special extras such as hummus and crispy flatbread while we watched A MUPPETS' CHRISTMAS CAROL and the kids opened one gift.

This morning the kids woke us at 6:30 singing WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS and then it was time to read the story of Jesus' birth, open gifts, eat a big, ole, Southern breakfast, and hurry off to WE WILL GO in inner-city Jackson. There we were mightily blessed by sweet folks, soulful singing, yummy food, powerful prayer, and lots of African talk.

On our way home, Jim took the kids in to fire departments and police stations in our area and dropped off brownies and cards made by kids at Restoration Church. Our small group has been taking by goodies monthly just to let them know we appreciate them and we're praying for them.

At home, the hubby and I enjoyed afternoon naps before calling all the grandparents, supping on leftovers, and once again watching George Bailey realize that ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE.

Here's a visual glimpse into our celebrating:

Farewell for now and hope you have a wonderful Boxing Day!

If you post photos of your Christmas online, leave me a link in the comments section. I'd love a glimpse into what Christmas looked like in your little corner of the world, too.

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