Tuesday, August 19, 2008


From the Children's Cup website:

Such a hard thing to totally understand what it really is like. When we think of ‘poor’ here in our communities, it is so much different than ‘poor’ in Africa.
Help me to understand poverty, Lord.

To see the true ‘poor’ that you see so clearly every day; those who have not found the wealth of Your love and forgiveness. Then let me show them with my life. Your grace.

Thank you for praying today. Feel free to leave a comment with a prayer or thought you would like to add. And if you haven’t signed up yet, send the folks at Children's Cup an email at pray@childrenscup.org to let them know you’re praying.

This little girl is fed and ministered to through the Moriah Centre, a carepoint located in SE Swaziland in Big Bend. Moriah Centre is not a Children's Cup sponsored one but we were able to visit it back in January. Di Hampson is the director. She is a white South African woman living in Swaziland. Her husband is employed by the local sugar company. She and the Swazi teachers and other volunteers feed and minister to the children faithfully. Some of the children are totally orphaned and live with at the centre. Others are orphaned or have lost one parent but still live with relatives. They are all facing dire poverty and disease. Many of them will not live to see adulthood. It truly is heartbreaking but I'm so thankful to women like Di and so many others who are pouring their lives out because of love of the Father and His precious little ones.

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